Are you struggling to do it all?
Feeling exhausted at work?
Do you feel that you can't do it one more day?
Does your brain feel fried?
You are stressed! And you are not alone!
Chronic stress– Stress that interferes with your ability to function normally over an extended period is a chronic condition. It affects about 77 percent of most Americans on a regular basis in an article published April 27, 2015 at Most Americans report suffering from moderate to high stress, with 44 percent stating that their stress levels have increased over the past five years, according to the American Psychological Association. Chronic stress has become a public health crisis. Unmanaged, it can cause obesity and an early death.
Stress is toxic to body and brain. But there is good news!
You don't need to live with stress, and you can reverse its impact with simple techniques.
Do you want proven "Stress Relief"?
"NeuroYoga"™ blends the latest neuroscience, yoga, and meditation to revolutionize your well-being and your life. It may even add years to your life.
Modern neuroscience has caught up with ancient yogic wisdom, revealing that yoga, meditation, and mindfulness improve your brain, makes you stronger, healthier, more relaxed, and more capable of self-actualization.
Unlike other yoga programs"NeuroYoga"™integrates the latest neuroscience to help you experience a level of tranquility and performance improvement few of us experience in our hectic daily lives.
- reduces stress
- relaxes your mind
- improves your brain function
- reduces or stops anxiety, panic, or worry
- makes you stronger, healthier
- enables a relaxed state of well-being
- improves capacity for self-actualization!
- uses simple proven techniques
Let go of feeling trapped in the chaos of a busy mind and exhausted body.
Achieve serenity and tranquility.
Open yourself to potential and possibility that can change your life!
Why not experience "Total Wellness" and live a happy healthy life?
Health insurer Aetna incorporated optional holistic practices like yoga, meditation and mindfulness into its culture with significant productivity results according to New York Times reporter and author David Gelles who details the journey in his book Mindful Work. Participants chose the practices they wanted to try in a three-month pilot progrqm, agreeing to self-report their results and participate in physical measurements. In both qualitative and quantitative measurements, Aetna determined that holistic practices reduced the effects of negative stress, lowered cortisol levels and improved sleep. Not only did their health improve, so did their effectiveness. The program created productivity gains on an average of 62 minutes per participant. There were financial rewards too: additional productive time was worth $3,000 per person each year.
Explore "NeuroYoga"™
Here’s how to take that first steps.
Join the NeuroYoga.Zone™ Community
Transform the Tyranny of Stress to Tranquility! In a safe space, our members share their experience, insights, and resources related to Neuroscience based yoga/mindfulness/meditation and neuroscience related to health, wellness, and fulfillment.
Are you struggling to do it all, exhausted at the end of the day? Your brain is just fried. At times do you feel that you can't do it one more day? You are not alone. Join us and explore what neuroscience is revealing about yoga, meditation and mindfulness, and the tranquility few of us experience in our lives. A tranquil state is the foundation of health, wellness, and fulfillment. Choose your prefered plan (Free or Inner Circle).
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